Stand Out, Stand Strong: The Power of Real Connections Online

Season #1 Episode #4

We're told to network for personal & professional growth but are you making genuine connections that drive your ambitions or just superficial touchpoints that leave everyone wanting more?

In this episode, we touch on:

  • What is authenticity anyway?
  • How do I tap into my authentic power?
  • What does genuine networking look like in person & online?

Tracy is a Digital Brand Experience Coach who is all about authenticity, specifically in the digital space. In a world where it’s easy to hide and follow someone else’s path, Tracy endeavours to lead with her personal brand and encourage others to find, own and show up with their personal brand leading the way. Tracy strives to bring more uniqueness to the world for individuals AND businesses because THAT’S what actually stands out in a crowded marketplace.

Follow Tracy over on LinkedIn to take a deep dive into showing up authentically for yourself & your business: