Soul-Led Success: Human Design for a HELL YES Business

Season #1 Episode #8

Does letting the stars guide you in business sound a little too "woo" for you?
It might be time to think twice...
In this episode, we talk about;
- What IS Human design & what does it have to do with my business?
- How Human Design PLUS Business = Purpose-Driven Results
- What does it look like to be Aligned & Thriving, Unleashing Purpose, Freedom & Impact
Jen Dys, is a Human Design Coach & Marketing Strategist for entrepreneurs.
From Physical Therapist to Human Design Coach, Jen has experienced the journey from full time health care worker to finding her own unique path to her greater purpose.
She transitioned from her day job into a full time online business offering Pinterest marketing. Although she saw success in the growth of that business she still felt that she was meant for more.
In her work with her own Human Design, her search for her true path & 2 years working with business owners on their marketing strategies...she saw a gap!
Too many entrepreneurs relying ALL on the business & marketing strategy, and not doing what actually worked for them.
Today she helps entrepreneurs create a HELL YES business and life, so that they can have more purpose, freedom & impact in their work using Human Design.
With Jen, itโ€™s all about taking actionable steps toward creating an aligned business that lights up your soul!
Connect with Jen!
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