Influence Multiplied: Marketing matchmaker

Season #1 Episode #23

Networking is like dating so why not get yourself a marketing matchmaker!?
In this episode, we talk about:
- Share influence to multiply marketing
- Maximize your superpowers, minimize your kryptonite
- Think with other people to solve problems and generate new ideas
Sandra loves to support visionary small business owners and start-up founders. She was a freelance writer for 20 years and helped world-changers tell their stories. Now through CoLabourNation, Sandra amplifies their businesses by connecting them with talented Canadian marketing, communication, and admin freelancers.
During hundreds of interviews, Sandra learned to ask insightful questions to write compelling profiles. She uses her expert interview skills to understand freelancers' secret sauce and match them with clients who need their superpowers.
Sandra is geeky about cycling, productivity, positive habits, and personality tests. She is fascinated by peopleā€™s uniqueness and believes in collaboration.
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