The Know, Like, Trust Factor & Your Content Pillars

audience content strategy know like trust Oct 10, 2024

Establishing the know-like-trust factor is integral for the conversion of your content, regardless of the format or desired results. This fact is as true today as it was for Plato and Aristotle in Ancient Greece only they used a bit of different terminology: logos (logic), pathos (emotion), and ethos (ethics). If you can’t prove that you know what you’re talking about, that it makes a difference, or that it will even work then why should anyone invest their time, energy, and money on what you have to offer?


What does this look like in the context of your content pillars?

A content pillar is a theme or topic stream from which you can guide your content in a way that stays relevant, provides value, and is on-brand. Connection pillars help you to organize your content ideas so that you can evenly distribute them during content creation and scheduling. 

Content pillars will look different for each business and can vary as broadly as there are ideas in the universe. That said, it is important to refine your messaging in such a way that you keep consistent and clear. 

A confused mind doesn’t buy.


What three topics can you talk about consistently while providing immense value to your audience? You want to vary things up a bit so your audience doesn’t lose interest. This might look like different sub-topics and associated stories that correlate with your selected pillars. These pillars will also ensure that you are bolstering the know-like-trust factor.


Let’s take a closer look at the relationship between the know-like-trust factor and your content pillars:



You wouldn’t just go buy a car from someone you met on the streets, would you? No, of course not. That’s why we stop in at long-standing dealerships and request referrals from our trusted network. 

In the case of creating content for your business, this means that you need to show up and stand out as a real person who isn’t just going to up and leave your clients high and dry. Let it be known what you do, why you do it, and why it matters to your ideal client.

Give your audience the opportunity to get to KNOW you before ever even meeting you. 



Just because the dealership has been around for a while doesn’t mean you’re going to buy from them. How many times have you heard a friend say they don’t like one vehicle make or another for reasons that range from experience to stats to vanity affairs. 

Being vulnerable and sharing a little about yourself and what differentiates you from others who do what you do can make all the difference in the investment decisions of your audience. They may resonate with you because of your past, your disposition, or even your pet choice. This can help you to connect with your ideal client’s pains, dreams, life, etc. in a way that promotes deeply felt, positive emotions. 

Give your audience the opportunity to LIKE you because you’re a real person who empathizes with your audience’s circumstances and you’re ready to support their success. 



Vehicle brands share statistics about their safety, power, and reputation all the time. Proving their prowess and providing value to their customers creates a safe place to invest and excites the notion of possibility for their audience.

Establishing your authority can be done in a variety of ways, including but not limited to: testimonials, tips and tricks, and certifications. Using emotion, imagery, and storytelling to share your expertise adds an element of intrigue to the successes your audience could have by working with you. 

Give your audience the opportunity to TRUST you because you know your stuff. 


How do you choose your pillars in relation to the know-like-trust factor?

Although there doesn’t have to be, there will nearly always be an opportunity for overlap between all of your content pillars and the three elements of the know-like-trust factor. This means that you can rest assured that whatever you choose for your pillars can promote engagement and conversion when looked at under the lens of the know-like-trust factor. 

Ask yourself: 

Do they know what I do?

Am I being my authentic self?

Have I provided value?

Your content strategy is not a short-term investment but rather a long-term establishment of your personal and business brand, authority, and compatibility with your ideal client. If one post doesn’t hit all the points, fill in the blanks with the next one. Distributing a wide variety of ways for your client to resonate with you will increase conversion and client satisfaction. 

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