Hidden Unique Results From A Custom Marketing Plan
Jun 27, 2024
One-size fits all marketing plans have been a hot commodity for newer entrepreneurs wanting to level up their business visibility online. The appeal seems to be that they’re cheap and quick to implement with many of them prefilled with templates and themes. This presents a few issues with regard to authenticity and the ability to stand out from the crowd of others who may have purchased the exact same strategy.
“Fast, Cheap, Good - Pick Two.”
-Maria Semple-
Digital marketing doesn’t have to be complicated to be effective but it does require a certain level of mental, emotional and - yes - financial investment in order for it to achieve the success you were hoping for when you started your business. The benefits of a custom marketing plan go much deeper than simply achieving the superficial online success for likes and follows. In addition to boosting vanity metrics, a unique marketing plan will reveal hidden bonuses like less stress, more confidence, room for personal and professional growth, and more.
General Vs. Custom Digital Marketing Strategies - Let's see how they compare:
There are 3 key aspects of this comparison that I want to draw your attention to:
What does it mean to have a marketing plan based on your unique business circumstances?
You have other obligations in life (another job, a family, boundaries around personal time...). Planning and implementing your marketing strategy should not infringe on these vital aspects of living your life. They are extremely important and should be taken into consideration when designing a marketing plan for you and your business. Generalized marketing plans often assume a corporate framework which also assumes specific (often drawn out) working hours with little wiggle room for day-to-day obstacles that inevitably come up.
What does it mean to have a marketing plan focused on the results that matter to you?
Although vanity metrics are nice, they may not create the impact you were hoping for when you started your business. Followers, likes & comments do not always equate to sales - Having a smaller, highly engaged (directly with you) audience will often lead to more advantageous results. When you are in alignment with your purpose and working toward the big vision goals that matter to you, conversion & bottom line sales naturally follow (+ the rewarding feeling of actually making an impact in a way that is meaningful to YOU).
What does it mean to ensure success based on the assets you already have?
You may not have the time, interest or skills (yet) to perform certain marketing tasks effectively - that is AOK! There is always a way to use the knowledge you already have to create success in your marketing campaigns. Generalized marketing plans are created with expectations & assumptions that may not be feasible for you at this moment.
You should not be made to feel insufficient because you don't have a team of professionals, a subscription to specific tools, or proficiency with a particular platform while working toward your business marketing goals. Use a CUSTOM content marketing strategy to increase visibility, boost authority and increase conversion without spreading yourself too thin.
When you’re ready to dive into the next level of custom digital marketing for your business, book your complimentary, no-obligation clarity call today!
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