Monstrous Marketing Trends: What's Hot & What's Not

audience authenticity content marketing keyword marketing marketing trends metrics mobile optimization personalization video content Sep 26, 2023
A lonely looking ghost wearing a yellow hat and sneakers sits in a wheat feild. The words "Monstrous Marketing Trends: What's hot & what's not" are written in the top left corner.

In the ever-evolving realm of digital marketing, trends can emerge like mysterious creatures lurking in the shadows. As holistic entrepreneurs, staying ahead of the curve is essential to your success. Let’s take a look at what's hot and what's not in this landscape of monstrous and marvelous marketing trends.


Unmasking Monstrous Trends:

Chasing Vanity Metrics 

One monstrous trend to avoid is fixating on vanity metrics like follower counts and likes. While they may seem impressive, they often mask the true engagement and conversion rates.
Focus on meaningful metrics like engagement rate, click-throughs, and conversion rates to measure the real impact of your marketing efforts.


Keyword Stuffing 

The era of keyword stuffing is long gone, and yet some marketers still cling to this monstrous practice. Overloading your content with keywords can scare away human readers and harm your SEO.

Opt for natural, user-friendly content that incorporates relevant keywords where they naturally fit.


Ignoring Mobile Optimization 

With the increasing use of mobile devices, ignoring mobile optimization is a monstrous mistake. If your website and content aren't mobile-friendly, you risk losing a significant portion of your audience.

Ensure your website and content are responsive and optimized for mobile devices.


Quantity Over Quality 

Creating a monstrous amount of content without considering its quality can overwhelm your audience and dilute your brand's message.
Prioritize creating high-quality, valuable content that resonates with your ideal clients.


Embracing Marvelous Trends:

Video Content 

Video marketing continues to be a marvelous trend. It captures attention, engages viewers, and can convey complex messages effectively.
Incorporate video content into your marketing strategy, such as educational videos, live streams, or behind-the-scenes glimpses.



Authenticity in marketing is more than a trend; it's a timeless strategy. Authenticity builds trust with your audience and strengthens your brand.
Share authentic stories, experiences, and values that resonate with your holistic mission.


Content Personalization

Tailoring content to individual preferences is a marvelous trend. It enhances the user experience and boosts engagement.
Use data and insights to personalize your marketing efforts, such as personalized emails or content recommendations.


Voice Search Optimization: 

With the rise of voice-activated devices, optimizing for voice search is a marvelous strategy to improve your visibility.
Optimize your content for natural, conversational language that aligns with voice search queries.


As holistic entrepreneurs, you have a unique perspective on marketing. By unmasking the monstrous trends and embracing the marvelous ones, you can navigate the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing with confidence.


Remember to focus on meaningful metrics, prioritize quality over quantity, and stay authentic in your messaging. Embrace video content, personalization, and voice search optimization to stay at the forefront of digital marketing trends.


In this world of marketing monsters and marvels, you have the power to create a holistic and impactful presence that resonates with your ideal clients. So, go forth with your newfound knowledge and conquer the digital marketing landscape like the true high achievers you are!


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