5 Perfect Questions to Help you Find the Right Copywriter for Your Business

business content copywriting marketing success Sep 05, 2024

You’ve got an amazing signature offer that you know will be an earth-shaker for your clients but… conversion isn’t what it should be. Experts tell you to put yourself out there: build a website, grow an email list, use content to market your business, attract dream clients, optimize sales and really feel like the expert that you are. 

What they don’t tell you is that regardless of the platform or media you’re using, your message - and the results you provide - need to be clear to your audience. You’ve figured things out so far but you know your writing isn’t exceptional, lead gen is so-so, and it takes you way too much time to create your content and copy. 


It’s time to outsource.

Hiring a copywriter is a big decision. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for someone to complete a one-time project or ongoing work, there are many factors to consider. These variables can lead to overwhelm, frustration and even more wasted time, energy and a lack of leads. Before you make a recommendations post on your favourite social media platform - only to spend way too long sifting through the massive list of respondents - consider what qualifications you want in a copywriter.

The answer to this can vary widely depending on your specific circumstances so take the time to reflect on your true and authentic copywriting needs.


5 perfect questions to help you find the right copywriter for your business:


  •  Does this copywriter truly have the skill I require & the style I prefer?

Discovering the writer’s credentials is a beneficial consideration and a nod to their potential skill but it is not proof of their ability. Portfolios are a great resource for this question because you will quickly be able to tell whether you enjoy reading what they write. By contrasting a few samples, you will also be able to tell whether the writer has successfully adapted to their varying clients’ authentic branding or whether they’ve stuck with the same cookie-cutter style. 


  • Is this copywriter familiar with the type of content I’m looking for? 

Specializations are common in the copywriting world. Many writers focus on and are exceptionally skilled at one or two particular kinds of content. Some examples are Case Studies, Social Media Marketing, Ads, Email Marketing, Websites, Sales pages, etc. Consider what your business actually needs before you dive in with a specialist versus a generalist.


  • Does this copywriter have a good idea of my business "voice?" 

Truly tapping into an authentic brand voice (tone, vision, vocabulary, etc.) requires some pretty intense attention to detail. Listening, watching, content repurposing, and even the ability to respond and adjust to constructive feedback are all ways that a writer can use to ensure your copy sounds like you. Take another look at their portfolio to contrast samples and see how they are different and similar to one another. Can you tell that they’re from different clients?


  • How well does this copywriter understand the needs of my dream client? 

Strategically overcoming objections is a massive asset to include in your copywriting. Hiring a copywriter who understands your ideal client will ensure that your readers are guided into a more comfortable sales experience. Getting to know your client avatar can come from market research, first-hand knowledge, and field experience. The more the writer already knows your people, the less work you will have to do in explaining the details.


  • Is this copywriter reliable & pleasant to work with? 

Testimonials and references will go a long way in telling you what it’s like to work with any given copywriter but don’t forget to trust your gut as well. You want timely, effective work but you also want someone who is invested in your success and enjoyable to communicate with. 


You’ve heard the horror stories. There are so many circumstances when a person thinks that they’ve hired the perfect copywriter for their business only to find the experience is detached and the copy is flat. While experience and skill are extremely valuable assets, they’re not the be-all and end-all. 


Additionally, consider whether the candidate:

  • Is willing to learn
  • Has a positive/growth mindset
  • Fits with you and your business's personality

Outsourcing your copywriting is supposed to lighten your load, free up your time, and boost your confidence. It’s a fun experience that leaves you with more clarity around your offer, more leads attracted to your services and more bottom-line profits.


Use the 5 perfect questions above to help you find the right copywriter for your business and don’t forget to tell me how it goes! Feel free to connect by sending me an email with the words “Copy Questions” in the subject line and we can explore what your true copywriting needs are so you can get started right away.

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